
100WC-Week#26 D for Despicable by Yoanna

This week's prompt: … I was so cross that … D for Despicable by Yoanna I was furious. I was steaming. I was overboiling! I was so cross that there was an enormous letter in red ink scrawled hideously and carelessly over my carefully drawn cloud diagram. And not just any letter. D. Not the A+ I deserved for the beautiful design and amazing details, or a B for good effort! Not even a C! My villainous science teacher was beyond C for Cruel, he was D for Despicable! Who cares if I maybe accidentally mixed up all the cloud names? Cumulus, stratus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus...Those words give me headaches. It’s the thought that counts…?

100WC-Week #24 Friendly Enemies by Yoanna

This Week's Prompt:  …empty. What a surprise!  Friendly Enemies By Yoanna It was my first day at my new school. I was lost in the unfamiliar maze of hallways. “Are you lost?” said a girl. “Hi, I’m Sasha. You’re new, right?” I nodded. “I have Literacy first.” “It’s the classroom right there,” Sasha said, pointing. I sprinted there and opened the door. The classroom was …empty. What a surprise! Had I misunderstood Sasha?! Hmm...I ignored my suspicions. I asked a passing teacher for directions. I darted upstairs, finally into the correct classroom. I was late! Then I saw Sasha. Smiling innocently! I scowled. This was competition? Wait until the real drama!

100WC-Week #23 Sink OR Swim by Yoanna

This week's prompt: RED LADDER SINKING COINS PAVEMENT Sink or Swim By Yoanna I gasped at the seemingly bottomless freezing water below. When I had spent my COINS on an afternoon at the pool to escape the boiling summer heat, I did not plan to be SINKING, flailing, and making a complete fool of myself in the deep end! I planned to relax in the shallow end, with my toes always skimming the smooth as PAVEMENT pool bottom. Then my friends completely ruined my plans! Maya and Emilia dragged me up the LADDER to the RED water slide. “I demand my COINS back!” I protested. Too late! Lucia grinned...and pushed me down.

100WC-Week #22-Keep Your Family Healthy By Yoanna

This Week's Prompt: ...The vinegar was too sharp... Keep Your Family Healthy By Yoanna I searched the pantry for a snack after school. The cookie jar was missing-poof! Hmm. I narrowed my eyes. The chocolate truffle box had vanished too. Gone were the chips and pretzels. I checked the sodas in the fridge...and in the place where they should have stood, were strange foods that may as well have been new foreign dishes from Timbuktu. Carrot sticks. Spinach juice. Tofu! I tasted a tiny drop of salad dressing out of curiosity …the vinegar was too sharp… I winced. My mom walked in, smiling. She carried a cookbook: Nutrition and Nourishment: The Ultimate Diet for Keeping Your Family Healthy! Oh no!

Cute & Quick Hairstyles

Are you desperately in need of new ideas for hairstyles? Do you want to look nice for school but not too overdone? Do you want to try a pretty new hairstyle that is actually easy? Or are you just bored and have nothing to do other than play with your hair? Then let's get started! All you need is a few elastic hair bands. And it's best if you brush out all the tangles in your hair first.   Rope Braid: Sweet & Simple Take as much hair as you want in the braid and divide into three sections. Cross the section on the far right over the middle and far left sections. Take the new far right section and cross it over the new middle and far left sections. Repeat until you reach the end of your hair and tie with an elastic band. Crown Braid: Ooh la la Braid a thin section of your hair on either side of your face. Pull both braids across the back of your head. Combine them and tie together with an elastic band.  Suggestions: Add a clip or bow. You can also use a Frenc...

100 Word Challenge-Week #21 Teddy Troubles

This Week's Picture Prompt: Teddy Troubles “Where is Teddy?” My little sister Mia whined. She brought her teddy everywhere. “Shh, I’m deciding which dress to buy,” I said. I was shopping at the mall while babysitting. Huge mistake. “I want my teddy,” whimpered Mia. I resumed shopping. “You lost it? Again?” Wrong words to say! Mia burst into tears, wailing, flailing, and howling! Strangers stared. My face flushed. I yanked her out of the store and retraced our steps to the parking lot. I was about to give up, when there it was! Mia’s teddy! Who knew an innocent fuzzy bear could cause all that drama? By Yoanna

100WC-Week#20-Happy Birthday by Yoanna

My chorus class began singing “Happy Birthday.” It was a last-minute rehearsal before our chorus teacher, Mr.Welling would arrive.   I cringed! Ugh … it was completely out of tune… Who knew singing “Happy Birthday” could be so difficult? It is when you’re singing a four-part harmony version. “Stop!” I shouted. “Re-do!” “Shhh,” said my classmate, Amira. “Mr.Welling coming!” “Quick, everybody, hide!” hissed my classmate, Darren. We scattered and darted behind doors and pieces of furniture. Footsteps. The door creaked open. Mr.Welling’s shiny black shoe entered the room. Then my class and I jumped out. “Happy Birthday!” we shouted.